Tablet of Ahmad

Story of The Tablet of Ahmad

Ahmad The Flame of Fire by Dr. Darius Shahrokh

Talk on “The Tablet of Ahmad” by Dr Khazeh Fananapazir

Exploring the Tablet of Ahmad

Tablet of Ahmad Documentary

This documentary tells the poignant story of Ahmad Yazdi and the Tablet which bears his name. Produced by Joel Quentin Cotten

The Tablet of Ahmad

Ahmad's Early Life

The Báb's Sojourn in Kashan

Some teachings of the Báb

The Wind Tower

Ahmad goes to Baghdad

Ahmad recieves the Tablet

Recitation of the Tablet of Ahmad


“These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Ahmad, have been invested by Bahá’u’lláh with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioning faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with God, and identify themselves more fully with His laws and precepts.“ —From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi

Tablet of Ahmad

Tablet of Ahmad

Tablet of Ahmad from the album of Grant Hindin Miller

Tablet of Ahmad

Tablet of Ahmad Recited by Gary Sterling